Who Shoved all of these cookies into my maw?!

There is a principle that says the act of observing something will change its behavior.  That is somewhat a goal I have in this project.  I am sure I drank less because I didn't want to look like an alcoholic.  I am sure I stopped at the end of the day thinking "I don't want to load any more photos so I'm just going to stop eating"  Mu hu hu ha ha ha my nefarious plans are working. It wasn't exactly an active month for me.  Usually I find time for yoga and for walking to work, maybe occasionally I get to hike in the woods... not so this month.  January was full of a lot of sedentary work.  I did freeze my ass off in a San Francisco costume shop for a few weeks, but I don't think the shivering accounted for enough calorie burning to make up for my lack of downward dogs.


Stats from January;

Coffee; 34 coffees in 31 days

Tea; 13 teas (it is winter)

Vegetarian meals*: 27 plus 13 salads (some of which had bacon)

Alcoholic drinks 8

*Vegetarian in this project means no meat or egg, only full meals are counted in this stat, not snacks.


Measurement difference; bust -1/2", waist (same), hip -1/2"

(weight loss unknown due to my lack of a bathroom scale)


What I learned this month;


I love oranges.

I love cabbage.

I eat way too many cookies.


Mornings that I ate protein and fiber in combination left me satisfied for longer.  So days that I had breakfast with yogurt AND fruit or kale AND meat set me up for a better day all over. Oatmeal sadly left me hungry very quickly, perhaps I should try eating some sausage with it...

I was pleased to see that I do indeed only eat meat as a flavoring (90% of the time) as I had claimed, however I was shocked to see how much sugar I've been consuming.  Sugar also seems like a difficult thing to eat in moderation; just a little makes you want a little more and then suddenly I've got four photos of cookies staring back at me.


Goals for February;

Limit of one baked good and one sweet per day. 

Protein/Fiber breakfast combos every day. 

Vary the diet a little more, there are a lot of the same things being eaten over and over.  I think I need to go find some new vegetables to learn about.


Ok that's it for now.  Onward into the shortest month, we shall see if I can't whittle a wee bit off the waist in the next four weeks. 

Be Well!


Comments: 1 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    Best Juicer (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:58)

    This is an excellent blog post! Thank you for sharing with us!