
I cheat at solitaire.  Is it a weakness of character?  Is it just that I don't want to reshuffle the deck in the middle of the game?  Who cares if I flip one card rather than three? In cards, it truly doesn't matter... in health, it does.  When I was younger and feeding myself for the first time (college) I didn't know how to eat.  I didn't understand calories or the value of unprocessed foods. I ate too many carbs, not enough veggies. I didn't know about the ways I screwed up my metabolism.  Unsuprisingly I graduated college significantly heavier than I graduated high school. 

Since then I've learned yoga. I've read books about nutrition and the food industry.  I've seen countless documentaries about diet.  I've educated myself.  I've cut out all fast food and soda, I've cut out most processed foods and corn syrups.  I've seen a near elemination of depression, I *feel* healthier, my joints work better.  I dropped a good 20lbs after college graduation... and yet (we get to the crux of it) I remain heavier than I should be.  

I've tried keeping track of my diet and it is a pain in the ass.  I don't have time to measure everything and enter calories into calculators.  If I eat something that is made of many ingredients it is too much trouble to break it all down... I lose motivation.  This is my fresh attempt.  This is my accountability... this is me not allowing myself to flip the cards in the wrong way.

I suspect I have been my worst enemy.  I am eating good foods but I've been eating too much, I've been sneaking too many extra bites, too many little cheats.  New rule; if I eat it I need to take a photo of it and that photo goes on the internet. That is it.  No measurments, no calories counted but I need to be held accountable.  If I am too lazy to take a photo or if I am too ashamed to put it online I cannot eat it. I will not be tracking water, but everything else I will.  In the best scenario I will magically guilt myself thinner, in the worst I will remain my current weight but I'll have a good documentation to discuss with my doctor.  Either way it sounds like a useful project.

Here goes... wish me luck.

Comments: 1 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    Nanka (Thursday, 03 January 2013 23:27)

    awesome idea - for everyone - good luck!